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Munich Heli Masters : Duncan Osbourn @ freakware

freakware lädt Duncan Osbourn zu den Munich Heli Masters in München ein.
Er wird den Align T-Rex 600 und seinen Synergy N9 mal mitbringen :-)

Was? Wann? Wo? Wie? Warum?

Was ist das Munich Heli Masters?
Vorab Zeitplan, Anfahrtsbeschreibung zum Munich Heli Masters und weiter Infos siehe:


Taiwan: Align 2006 Fun Fly (19. & 20.08.2006)

Date: 08/19 (Saturday) to 08/20 (Sunday)
Location: Align Flying Field, Dongshi Town, Taichung County , Taiwan

All pilots are welcomed to participate in the funfly!

Contest Events:
1. T-Rex 600 3D Contest
Limited to Align's T-Rex 600, 6S lipo battery, 610mm main rotor diameter. Participant will need to provide 3.4 to 4 minutes of music track for the flight.
Two rounds of preliminaries on 8/19, with 7 top participants advancing to finals on 8/20. More rules to be posted soon.

1st place: US$3000
2nd place: US$2500
3rd place: US$2000
4th place: US$1500
5th place: US$800
6th-7th: US$500 each

2. T-Rex 450 3D Contest
Limited to Align's T-Rex 450, 3S lipo battery, 325mm main rotor diameter. Participant will need to provide 3.4 to 4 minutes of music track for the flight.
Two rounds of preliminaries on 8/19, with 5 top participants advancing to finals on 8/20. More rules to be posted soon.

Prizes: 1st place: US$1500
2nd place: US$1000
3rd place: US$500
4th place: T-Rex 600CF kit
5th place: T-Rex 600 kit

3. T-Rex 450 Obstacle Course
This is the fun event. Rules are simple. Anybody who completes the obstacle course will receive a T-REx 450SA kit.

3D Invitational contestant name list will be unveiled soon.


Lieferbar : T-Rex 600 !


! Rückruf von T-Rex 600 Blatthalter !

Original Align Text siehe unten - Deutsche Infos siehe Forum-Link !!!

Dear customer,

We have discovered a critical safety issue on the T-Rex 600 and hereby issue this safety bulletin.

Abnormal fracture line has been discovered on T-Rex 600 main blade grips during post-flight

With the T-Rex 600 mass produced and readily available, more variation in setups and power combinations are attempted by pilots in real life situations. We have unexpectedly discovered some abnormal fracture lines on blade grips in certain instances. Upon further investigation at microscopic level, our technical department has found the blade grip’s structure integrity to decrease dramatically with the presence of these fracture lines. Flying with these fractures at high headspeed with 11T pinion may lead to breakage of blade grip. This problem was not detected during our long-term longevity and stress tests since the tests were done with stock power setups.

We suspect the cause of these fracture lines may be due to over tightening the M4 blade bolt, or stress around the bolt’s hole from crash impact. Flying high power setup with these fracture is extremely dangerous, at worse case could result in midair detachment of blade grips.

To improve on structural integrity of these grips, we have developed and tested a new design with thicker area. The new grips greatly increase the overall rigidity and safety of the head. We are sending these New grips to you (2 new main grips, 2 M4x27 blade bolts per kit) and please return all the parts H60003 to replace. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

The original holder is on the left side of below photo. New thicker holder is on the right side of the photo.

We sincerely apologize not catching this issue during product testing, and the inconvenience this may have caused our fellow flyers. Your understanding and continued support is greatly appreciated.

We recommend that all T-Rex 600 be grounded regardless of the power system being used. For safety reasons do not fly the helicopter until the blade grips have been replaced with new design.


Halbfinale : Deutschland - Italien 21:00 Uhr !

Leider nur ein Songs fürs Herz :)
- Elf kleine Italiener

Quelle: Radio Gong (München)


Viertelfinale : Deutschland - Argentinien 17:00 Uhr !

Mal zwei Songs fürs Herz :)
- Goodbye Argentinien
- Heul doch nicht Argentinien

Quelle: Radio Gong (München)

30.Jun.2006 & Anzeige Jun´06


T-Rex 450SE Anleitung im Download.

Ab heute ist nun auch die T-Rex 450SE CDE Anleitung in deutscher Sprache in unserer Technik/Download Sektion zu finden.


Lieferbar : T-Rex 600 CF !

Die ersten T-REX 600CF Kit+600L+75G ESC+3A BEC sind heute bei uns aufgetaucht, leider nur in geringen Stückzahlen lieferbar.


T-Rex 450XL CDE Anleitung im Download.

Ab heute ist nun auch die T-Rex 450XL CDE Anleitung in deutscher Sprache in unserer Technik/Download Sektion zu finden.
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