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Phoenix Sim - 2.5.c [BETA]

Die Betaphase geht weiter !
Ab sofort findet Ihr das 2.5c BETA! update auf der Phoenix-Sim Webseite.
Viel Spass beim testen.

Bugs Fixed

• Issue with autorotation/hover trainer throttle, rotor speed and starting heights fixed
• Issue with reverb error fixed
• Issue with collision on Montebello Castle fixed
• Starting positions issue fixed on Stockholm Bridge flying site
• Improved multiplayer connectivity
• Can now pause/unpause correctly when pause control is mapped to a trasnmitter switch
• Shader related issues on lower-end cards resolved
• Flight recorder can now minimise when recording
• Flight recorder issues with restoring after minimised fixed
• Multiplayer issue fixed with minimised window
• Frontal CofG removed from helicopter models
• Protos 500 variants updated
• Blade flapping sounds increased
• Issue with fuel empty fixed
• Wot 4 wheels fixed - prop-blur issue fixed
• Tilt-rotor engine nacelle angle now controlled by correct controls
• Block scroll added to most scroll-bar equipped items


Phoenix Sim - 2.5.b [BETA]

Die Betaphase geht weiter !
Ab sofort findet Ihr das 2.5b BETA! update auf der Phoenix-Sim Webseite.
Viel Spass beim testen.

Bugs Fixed

• Issue with autorotation/hover trainer throttle, rotor speed and starting heights fixed
• Issue with reverb error fixed
• Issue with collision on Montebello Castle fixed
• Starting positions issue fixed on Stockholm Bridge flying site
• Improved multiplayer connectivity
• Can now pause/unpause correctly when pause control is mapped to a trasnmitter switch
• Shader related issues on lower-end cards resolved
• Flight recorder can now minimise when recording
• Flight recorder issues with restoring after minimised fixed
• Multiplayer issue fixed with minimised window
• Frontal CofG removed from helicopter models
• Protos 500 variants updated
• Blade flapping sounds increased
• Issue with fuel empty fixed
• Wot 4 wheels fixed - prop-blur issue fixed
• Tilt-rotor engine nacelle angle now controlled by correct controls
• Block scroll added to most scroll-bar equipped items


Phoenix Sim - 2.5.a [BETA]

Nun beginnt sie endlich, die Betaphase der Phoenix-Sim 2.5 Software.
Ab sofort findet Ihr die BETA! updates auf der Phoenix-Sim Webseite.
Viel Spass beim testen.

Special Thanks We would like to say a special thank you to the following people for helping bring this update to release:
• Curtis Youngblood
• Duncan Osborne
• Mike Williams
• Ashley Davis
• Rob Turnbull
• Trev Burley
• Pete Ikusz
• All members of the Phoenix 2.5 BETA team

New Features

• Store model's current position for reset point - default hotkey 'S'
• "Throttle, Rudder and Elevator" option added to Torque Trainer
• Added ability to fly with tutorial recordings, and to "free-look" with your mouse
• Added ability to slow down or speed up tutorial recordings
• Added Cut/Restart Engine control for all model types
• Advanced control over helicopter governor speed using throttle position
• Assign a different control profile to individual models
• Sounds:
__ • More sounds of impact, collision and scrapes with environment
__ • New ambient environmental sounds
__ • Reverb effects in interior locations


• Physics:
__ • Crisper, more responsive collective
__ • More accurate blade physics:
__ __ • Blade stops
__ __ • Spool-up times
__ • More accurate autorotation physics
__ • Scale fixed-wing models diplay more accurate torque effects on takeoff
__ • F3A pattern planes trim corrected when inverted
__ • More pronounced roll effects when applying rudder to fixed-wing models
• Sound:
__ • Selectable engine-type for all models
__ • All helicopter sound effects resampled
__ • All fixed-wing sound effects resampled
• Graphics:
__ • New rotor/propeller effects for greater realism
__ • Improved wakes and ripples in water
__ • New splash effect when objects impact with water
__ • New rotor ripple effect
__ • New streamer texture
__ • Streamer width scales with model size
__ • Helicopter rotor blades change with collective
__ • Training undercarriage materials improved
__ • Extra debris when a breakage/crash occurs
• PhoenixUpdate:
__ • One-click update to the latest software version
__ • Now downloads in the background - fly while your updates download
__ • Better handling of failed downloads
• PhoenixOnline:
__ • New multiplayer engine
__ • Faster and less lag
__ • Improved connection reliability
__ • Voice-chat with selective muting, auto-voice-sensing and noise filtering capability
__ • Messenger widget for session management
__ • Improved session lobby with chat
__ • Pilots/training undercarriage now functions online
• User Interface:
__ • Numerous improvements and optimisations to the User Interface layout
__ • Ability to disable auto-reset during training modes
__ • Improved failures/fuel empty/crashed icons/display
__ • Minimise flight recorder to a smaller footprint, which autohides
__ • Training gear now appears under Select/Edit model screens
__ • Various editable attributes now enable/disable depending on other options selected
__ • Re-show help/warning messages using the Program Setup > General menu
• Languages:
__ • Czech language added
__ • Hungarian language added
• Updated manuals added for:
__ • French
__ • German
__ • Italian
__ • Portuguese
__ • Spanish
__ • Czech
__ • Hungarian
• Walkera 2401 and 2601 control profiles added

Bugs Fixed

• Disabled sound option issues resolved
• Issue with shift-look and binocular view fixed
• Zoom level now saved correctly when the "Reset Zoom" menu is used
• Streamers now function correctly when length is set to less than 10m
• TreeView controls now scroll correctly when expanding items
• Issue with inflight tuning fixed
• P-51 Mustang rudder no longer breaks on startup
• PhoenixUpdate: "Select all" does not select installed updates (unless shown)
• PhoenixUpdate now takes alternate "SETTINGSPATH" for users without a My Documents folder
• Fixed an issue with competition bomb scoring
• Left wheel on max 3d not textured correctly
• Error starting with window minimised fixed
• Issue fixed on fixed-wing models set to zero stabiliser/fin area
• Nightfly planes now all correctly have red lighting on the left and green lighting on the right
• Problems when variants folders when they do not exist
• Improved handling of driver issue with Intel 965 chipsets
• Binocular view now functions during a multiplayer session

New Models

• These models will be available from your Automatic Updates list once you have updated to version 2.5:
Align T-Rex 250 - 3D/Aerobatic electric helicopter
Rave 450 - 3D/Aerobatic electric helicopter
Outrage G5 - 3D/Aerobatic electric helicopter
Outrage 550 - 3D/Aerobatic electric helicopter
Protos 500 - 3D/Aerobatic electric helicopter
Huey UH-1H "Iroquois" - Scale IC helicopter
Zivko Edge - 3D/Aerobatic electric shockfly
Polikaprov I-15 - Scale electric biplane
Gambler .40 - IC aerobatic trainer
Cessna 182 - Scale IC airplane
Extra 300 - New colour scheme
Cap 232 - Updated model and colour scheme
Wot 4 Classic - IC aerobatic trainer
BA-609 - Scale IC Tilt-rotor

New Flying Sites • These flying sites will be available from your Automatic Updates list once you have updated to version 2.5:
Lagos Rocks - Panoramic flying site
Montebello Castle - Panoramic flying site
Stockholm Bridge - Panoramic flying site


RC-Heli-Action: T-REX 450 PRO *Video*

Video zum Testbericht über den T-REX 450 PRO
Mehr Infos: RC-Heli-Action, dem Magazin für wahre Flieger (Ausgabe 06/2009


freakware wünscht alles Gute zum Vatertag !

Da das Wetter doch leider etwas zu wünschen übrig läßt, haben wir für Euch ein Vatertags-Special vorbreitet, dass man auch im Wohnzimmer oder Büro nutzen kann. Einen Phoenix RC Simulator und eine ESky Koax Heli zum Special-Preis. Kurz gesagt, das perfekte Einsteiger Paket.

Euer Team freakware


Solid-Rock News aus Jurassic-Park – Aligns T-Rex 450 Pro

rc-heli-action Ausgabe 06-2009
Der brandneue Spross von Align, der T-Rex 450, präsentiert sich nun in der dritten Entwicklungsstufe in der Version „Pro“. Es gibt nicht mehr sehr viele Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem Vorgänger S2 – viele Komponenten wurden überarbeitet, hier vor allem Rotorkopf und Chassis. Schaut ihn Euch genau an. Thomas Böseler und Albert Fruth haben ihn getestet.


VIDEOS: 30. Helitreffen in St. Johann

Sehr viele Piloten und Helibegeisterte aus dem europäischen Raum trafen sich bei besten Wetter im schönen Austria. Namenhafte Piloten wie Dominik Hägele, Daniel Jetschin vom deutschen Mikado Team, Eric Weber Deutscher Meister F3N 2008, Robert Sixt, Dario Neuschwandner, Bernhard Egger, Bernhard Wimmer, Fraz Reichlmeier, Tom und Max Kreuzberger zeigten ihr können. Die Anmeldung umfasste 112 Scale- und 3D-Piloten aus 7 Staaten. Viele Hersteller (Jan Henseleit, JR Prop Heli Division, LutzFocke, MS Heli, Micado, RockAMP, ..) zeigten ihre neuesten Produkte. Ganz besonders war natürlich die Anwesenheit von Curtis Yongblood der für 4 Tage mit einem Gehilfen aus Texas nach St. Johann gekommen war.

Für alle die nicht an diesem schönen Treffen teilnehmen konnten, gibt es hier eine Menge tolle Videos vom Treffen:


Phoenix Sim + Futaba FF-7 + Akku + Lader

Super Simulator Angebot bestehend aus: 1x Phoenix RC Pro Simulator (Neuste Version) 1x Futaba FF-7 2,4GHz Einzelsender (ohne Empfänger) 1x Steckdosenlader Tx-Rx 150/150 mA 1x Senderakku Sanyo ENELOOP Akku Mignon 8er-Doppelwürfel mit Futaba-Servo 1x Futaba 6 Pol Eckig (Kabel für Phoenix RC Pro)


Shop: T-Rex 450 Starterkit - NUR 666 Euro

Das Starter-Set für den ambitionierten Einsteiger!


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